The Governing Council of Indira School and College of Nursing is the highest administrative body of the institute and it meets once in a year to oversee the design, development and effective implementation of various Strategic decisions, policies, academic, co-curricular, financial matters to ensure effective functioning and development of the institution.
The following are the functions of the governing council
To oversee the perfect implementation of the curriculum by providing adequate infrastructure and competent human resources
To review important communications, policy decisions or any other similar notices received from the Indian Nursing Council, The Tamilnadu Nurses and Midwives Council and The Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R.Medical University.
To pass the annual budget of the college as well as to review the audited statements of accounts of the college.
To consider introduction of new courses and changes intake for the next academic year.
To review the Memorandum of Understanding, tie-up hospitals and affiliation with the statutory bodies.
To review the faculty positions of the college including the faculty development initiatives and programs.
To review the admissions of the college.
To review the academic performance of the students.
To review the development activities of the students.
To review the training and placement activities.